The Wilsons is an exciting new Senior A-B-C course especially researched and written for young learners. Each level is of a manageable length and can be completed in one academic year. The Wilsons provides students with a carefully graded syllabus which gradually develops their vocabulary and language skills through the use of up-to-date, interesting texts that motivate and encourage students to improve their language level. Students will also love the ongoing stories of the Wonderful Wilsons, a family of secret agents whose mission is to save the world!

Amazing English is an exciting new three-level course specially researched and written for Senior A, B and C classes . Each level has 30 lessons, within six topic-related units, is of a manageable length and can be completed in one school year.
Hot Shots is an exciting three-level course specially researched and written for A, B and C classes. Each level is divided into 8 topic-related cycles. The cycles, which cover all skills, are of a manageable length and all 8 cycles can be completed in one school year. There is also an on-going story in reader form linked to each unit and divided into eight episodes, which will not only help students revise and practise material learnt but will also capture their interest and motivate them to use the language. There are also memorable songs which students will enjoy listening to and singing. The reader is brought to life in full animation in the free Student’s e-book. The Student’s Book also includes a Writing Booklet contained in a flap at the back of the Student’s Book, which teaches students to produce written work.