Cambridge YLE exam Flyers level.
Key features:
• five complete practice tests for the updated Cambridge English: Young Learners Flyers test.
• consolidation exercises after every test to ensure students practise vocabulary which frequently appears in the test.
• full introduction for students and parents which includes detailed information about the test and advice on how to prepare for the test.
• A-Z Word List which includes all the vocabulary students must be familiar with to do well in the test.
• clear audio providing listening practice.
• free access to one complete online practice test.
Available separately:
• Audio CD providing listening practice with authentic British accents
• Interactive Whiteboard Software

Practice Tests for YLE 2018 Flyers Teacher's Book
Teacher's book for the Cambridge YLE exam preparation level Flyers.
• information for teachers about the test which includes an outline of each paper and detailed information on each part within the papers.
• tips on how to prepare students for each part of the test.
• a tapescript for each of the five practice tests.
• a speaking script for each practice test so that teachers can conduct the speaking paper of each practice test under test conditions, and students can become familiar with the exact structure of the speaking paper of the test.

English Download A2 Student’s Book includes:
• 10 theme-related units, each containing carefully designed tasks to develop students’ reading, listening, speaking and writing skills as well as build on their vocabulary and grammar.
• 10 Reload sections, one at the end of each unit, to reinforce vocabulary and grammar presented.
• 5 Progress Reviews, one after every two units, to further consolidate the vocabulary and grammar.
• a Grammar Reference to support the grammar theory presented in each unit.
• a Writing Bank and a Speaking Bank to support students’ productive skills

- 10 theme-related units containing Reading, Vocabulary, Grammar, Listening and Writing Sections. The vocabulary and grammar taught in each unit of the Student's Book is further paractised in exam-style tasks in the Use-Your-English sections of each unit
- 5 Progress Reviews, providing further consolidation of the vocabulary and grammar
An Interactive version of the Workbook, including the audio, can be found on the Interactive Whiteboard Software

Teacher's Book contains:
- clear lesson plans with detailed instructions and the key to all tasks from the Student's Book
- suggestions for extension tasks and teaching tips
- the recording script with justification underlined for the listening tasks included in the Student's Book
- photocopiable tasks for use with students who finish early in class, as a way of revising prior to a test, or as extra practice of the vocabulary and grammar in the Student's Book
- The keys and recording scripts (justification underlined) for all tasks in the Workbook and the Test Book

English Download A2 Grammar contains:
- 10 units that start with a grammar presentation in the form of an interesting web-style page
- clear, simple grammar theory presented in the same order as it appears in the Student's Book
- a wide variety of practice exercises
- a speaking task and a writing task in each unit that encourage students to use the grammar productively in contextualised situations
- regular progress reviews that consolidate the grammar learnt in the preceding two units
At the back of the Grammar Book , there are tables presenting verb forms, a summary of spelling rules and also an irregular verbs list

English Download A2 Test Book
Test Book
- 10 multiple-choice quizzes that focus on the key vocabulary and grammar from the ten units of the Student's Book
- 5 progress tests, one for use after every two units of the Student's Book, that include reading, vocabulary, grammar and writing tasks
- a mid-year writing test and an end-of-year writing test covering reading, Use Your English and writing
- a mid-year listening test and an end-of-year listening test, the audio for which can be found in the English Download A2 Class Audio CD & Test Audio CD and also on the Interactive Whiteboard Software
The Test Book also includes useful Student's Score Sheets, where test results and comments can be recorded

Interactive Whiteboard Software contains the Student's Book and the Workbook in digital format. Most of the tasks found in these books are interactive and have been developed to be easy to use by both students and teachers alike. The DVD links for the Student's Book openers as well as the audio accompanying both the Student's Book and the Workbook listening tasks can be easily accessed. The reading passages found on the Student's Book are narrated on the IWB. Justification for all Student's Book and Workbook reading comprehension and listening tasks is available at the touch of a button, as is the key to all tasks. The audio required for the listening tests in the Test Book has also been included.

English Download A2 Class CDs
Audio CDs
This component consists of Class Audio CD, Workbook Audio CD and Test Book Audio CD. The class CD contains the narration of the reading passages as well all audio required for the listening tasks found in the student's book. The workbook CD contains the recordings required for the listening tasks in the workbook. The test book audio CD includes the audio required for the Mid-Year Listening Test and the End-of-Year Listening Test. The recordings found on all audio CDs can be accessed on the IWB and downloaded from the website. Professional actors are used in all recordings to ensure clarity and accurate intonation and pronunciation.

Student's Book with e-book, Reader and Writing Booklet
Hot Shots Student’s Book
Each level is divided into 8 topic-related cycles. The cycles, which cover all skills, are of a manageable length and all 8 cycles can be completed in one school year.
Each of the eight cycles contains:
• stimulating and manageable two-page lessons designed to be simple to use and easy to teach.
• a carefully-structured review which checks students’ progress.
• a topic-related writing activity in the separate Writing Booklet.
• an exciting episode of the on-going story with exercises contained in the free reader.
There are also several topic-related projects and plays which practise and consolidate the vocabulary and grammar taught at this level. Students will be able to perform these plays for parents and friends, giving them a great sense of achievement.

Hot Shots 2: Workbook
Hot Shots Workbook practises and consolidates vocabulary and grammar taught in the Student’s Book. Its clear and simple format means that it can be used by students at home as well as in class.
Hot Shots Workbook contains:
• 36 two-page lessons each consisting of three vocabulary and three grammar tasks which relate directly to the lesson in the Student’s Book.
• a wide variety of stimulating and enjoyable tasks, including word banks, spell checks, anagrams, crosswords, word searches and picture-based tasks.
• 8 large word searches, one for each of the topic-related cycles

Hot Shots 2: Teacher's Book
Hot Shots Teacher's Book
Hot Shots Teacher's Book is a complete step-by-step guide for teachers. Each lesson from the Student's Book is reproduced in the Teacher's Book for easy reference, and its easy-to-follow layout provides busy teachers with a valuable teaching aid.
- clear and concise lesson plans for all lessons, reviews and reading episodes
- keys to all the exercises in the Student's Book
- extra reading comprehension questions for each lesson
- suggestions for extra class activities and extra activities for early finishers
- tips for the teacher
- tapescripts for the listening exercises in the Student's Book
- notes on topic-related projecs
- practical advice on how to put on the plays with guidance on rehearsals, stage management, choosing the cast and making costumes and props
- photocopiable material for early finishers and Hot Word exercises
- keys to the workbook and Test Book for easier marking

Hot Shots 2: Interactive Whiteboard Software
Interactive Whiteboard Software includes fully-interactive versions of both Student's Book and Workbook, as well as full video animation of the Reader and interactive links to video to help bring your classroom to life.

Grammar with an interactive CD-ROM
- 25 grammar sections, in each of which key grammatical structures are presented in entertaining comics. Each section ends with a written assignment and an exercise in speaking. The “be a genius” section provides helpful tips for completing training tasks;
- 5 sections on the repetition and consolidation;
- Appendix with a list of words for each section, spelling rules, a table of irregular verbs.
The CD-ROM includes 4 additional interactive exercises for each section.

Whiteboard Software
- All the material of grammatical benefits of this level;
- Animated comics and game clips with professional actors for each grammatical structure.
You can also watch movies on Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/user/HamiltonHouseELT
Suitable for use on a computer.

Student's Book with e-book
The Student's Book includes:
- an introductory unit reviewing key language from Amazing English 1, as well as introducing the main characters in the exciting ongoing story, The Amazing Kids
- unit openers that activate theme-related vocabulary from Cambridge YLE Starters
- theme-related units, including lessons about amazing people, places and things, as well as special skills-building lessons that actively develop students' listening, speaking and writing skills
- regular reviews that reinforce language presented within the unit and that finish with a theme-related video and a catchy song
- theme related CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) and Culture sections that encourage students to engage in pair or group work while focussing on other subjects such as maths or geography in English, or while exploring a particular aspect of life
- beautifully-illustrated episodes of the exciting ongoing story, The Amazing Kids, that not only capture students' imagination and motivate them to read in English, but also reinforce the themes and language presented in the Student's Book
- values and Now take it home! features that ensure students connect their learning to the real world
The book includes an e-book, which contains the full version of the Student's Book with interactive tasks, audio and video materials, voiced by Wordlist

Lesson by lesson, the Workbook follows up on the vocabulary and grammar taught in the Student's Book and also provides further reading and writing practice. Its clear and simple format means it can be used by students at home as well as in class
Workbook contains:
- an introductory unit
- six theme-related units, in which lessons 1-4 practice the vocabulary and grammar from the corresponding lesson in the Student's Book while the skills-building lesson provides grammar practice as well as further reading and writing practice
- six reviews, providing further consolidation of the vocabulary and grammar
An interactive version of the Workbook can be found on the Interactive Whiteboard Software

Amazing English Grammar
Amazing English Grammar is a new three-level series of beautifully illustrated grammar reference and practice books, taking students from Beginner to Upper-Elementary level. Each level is of a manageable length and can be completed in one academic year. Thanks to its thoroughly researched syllabus, Amazing English Grammar can be used alongside any Beginner to Upper-Elementary course.
Amazing English Grammar contains:
• an introductory unit containing two lessons, and six main units containing five lessons.
• amusing grammar presentations featuring the amazing kids: Rocky, Dash, Feather and Cat.
• clear, simple grammar theory.
• a wide variety of practice exercises.
• speaking tasks to encourage students to use the grammar productively in contextualised situations.
• regular reviews consolidating the grammar learnt in the preceding two units.
• writing tasks to allow students to use the grammar productively in contextualised situations.
• a list of irregular verbs.

Amazing English 2: Teacher's Book
Teacher's Book
- clear lesson plans with detailed instructions and the key to all tasks from the Student's Book
- backround information on some of the reading texts, amazing facts and other texts that refer to real things
- suggestions for extension activities and teaching tips
- the recording script with justification underlined for the listening tasks included in the Student's Book.
- photocopiable tasks for for use with students who finish early in class, as a way of revising prior to a test, or as extra practice of the vocabulary and grammar in the Students Book
- photocopiable songsheets for the songs which appear in each unit of the Student's Book
- photocopiable worksheets for each episode of the ongoing story, The Amazing Kids
- the keys for the Workbook and the Test Book

Amazing English 2: Test Book
Test Book Contains:
- six quizzes that focus on the key vocabulary and grammar from the six units of the Student's Book
- three progress tests, one for use after every two units of the Student's Book, that include reading comprehension, vocabulary and grammar tasks and a writing task
- an end-of-year test covering reading comprhension, vocabulary and grammar tasks and a choice of writing tasks

Amazing English 2: Interactive Whiteboard Software
The Amazing English IWB software combines all the components of this course into one amazing interactive tool to help teachers bring their lessons to life in the classroom.
Amazing English 2 Interactive Whiteboard Software contains:
• the interactive Student’s Book page-for-page, including the animated story episodes.
• the interactive Workbook, which includes all of the Workbook exercises in fully interactive format.
• the interactive Grammar with fully animated presentations.
• the interactive Companion which includes all of the Companion exercises and the English/Greek wordlist, songs and videos.
• interactive games to be played in class and at the end of each unit if time permits.

Amazing English 2: Class CDs
Class Audio CDs
contain the narration of the reading texts, as well as all audio required for the listening tasks, the songs and the episodes of the Amazing Kids in the Student's Book. These recordings can also be accessed on the IWB. Professional actors are used in all recordings to ensure clarity and accurate intonation and pronunciation

Cambridge KET for Schools Practice Tests contains:
- six complete practice tests.
- a full introduction to the examination.
- exam technique sections advising students on how to approach each part of the examination to score maximum points.
Available separately:
• Audio CD providing listening practice with authentic British accents
• Interactive Whiteboard Software

A2 Key for Schools (KET) Practice Tests Teacher's Book
Teacher's Book is a student's version with overprinted answers
Also contains a speaking script for each practice test so that the teachers can conduct the speaking paper under exam conditions, and students can become familiar with the exact structure of the speaking paper of the KET exam

A2 Key for Schools (KET) Practice Tests Interactive Whiteboard Software

Key features
- Theme-related units, each containing carefully developed tasks designed to develop students’ reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills as well as build on their knowledge of vocabulary and grammar.
- Reload sections, one at the end of each unit, to reinforce vocabulary and grammar presented.
- Progress Reviews, one after every two units, to consolidate vocabulary and grammar.
- A Grammar Reference to support the grammar theory presented in each unit.
- A Writing Bank and a Speaking Bank to support students’ productive skills.

- 10 theme-related units, containing Reading, Vocabulary, Grammar, Listening, and Writing sections. The vocabulary and grammar taught in each unit of the Student’s Book is further practiced in exam-style tasks in the Use Your English sections of each unit.
- 5 progress reviews, providing further consolidation of the vocabulary and grammar.
An interactive version of American Download A2 Workbook, including the audio necessary for the listening activities, can be found on the American Download A2 Interactive Whiteboard Software.

American Download A2 Grammar contains:
- 10 units that start with a grammar presentation in the form of an interesting web-style page
- clear, simple grammar theory presented in the same order as it appears in American Download A2 Student's Book
- a wide variety of practice exercises
- a speaking task and a writing task in each unit that encourage students to use the grammar productively in contextualized situations
- regular progress reviews that consolidate the grammar learned in the preceding two units
At the back of American Download A2 Grammar, there are charts presenting verb forms, a summary of spelling rules, and also an irregular verbs list

American Download A2 Test Book contains:
- 10 multiple-choice quizzes that focus on the key vocabulary and grammar from the twelve units of the student's book
- 5 progress tests, one for use after every two units of the student's book, that include reading,vocabulary, grammar and writing tasks
- A mid-year writing test and an end-of-year writing test covering Reading, Use Your English and Writing
- A mid-year listening and an end-of-year listening test, the audio for which can be found in American Download A2 Class Audio CD, Workbook Audio CD, and Test Book Audio CD, and also on American Download A2 Interactive Whiteboard Software
The American Download A2 Test Book also includes useful Student's score Sheets, where test results and comments can be recorded

American Download A2 Teacher's Book contains:
- clear lesson plans with detailed instructions and the key to all tasks from the Student's Book
- suggestions for extension tasks and teaching tips
- the recording scripts with justification underlined for the listening tasks included in the Student's Book
- photocopiable tasks for use with students who finish early in class, as a way of reviewing prior to a test, or as extra practice of the vocabulary and grammar in the Student's Book
- the keys and recording scripts (justification underlined) for the Workbook and Test Book

American Download A2: Class CDs
American Download A2 Audio CDs
This component consists of Class Audio CDs, Workbook Audio CDs, and Test Book Audio CD. The Class CDs contain the narration of the reading passages as well as all audio required for the listening tasks found in the Student's Book. the Workbook CDs contain the narration of the Workbook reading passages as well as the recordings required for the listening tasks in the Workbook. The Test Book CD includes the audio required for the Mid-Year Listening Test and the End-of-Year Listening Test. The recordings found on all audio CDs can be accessed on the IWB and downloaded from the website. Professional actors are used in all recordings to ensure clarity and accurate intonation and pronunciation

American Download A2: Interactive Whiteboard Software
American Download A2 Interactive Whiteboard Software
The IWB software contains the Student's Book and the Workbook in digital format. Most of the tasks found in these books are interactive and have been developed to be easy to use by both students and teachers alike. The DVD links for the Student's Book openers as well as the audio accompanying both the Student's Book and the Workbook listening tasks can be easily accessed. The reading passages found in the Student's Book and the Workbook are also narrated on the IWB. Justification for all Student's Book and Workbook Reading comprehension and listening tasks are available at the touch of a button, as is the key to all tasks. The audio required for the listening tests in the Test Book has also been included.

Amazing English Grammar
is a new three-level series of beautifully illustrated grammar reference and practice books, taking students from Senior A to Senior C class. Each level is of a manageable length and can be completed in one academic year. Thanks to its thoroughly researched syllabus, Amazing English Grammar can be used alongside any Senior A-C course. Amazing English Grammar contains:
• an introductory unit containing two lessons, and six main units containing five lessons.
• amusing grammar presentations featuring The Amazing Kids: Rocky, Dash, Feather and Cat.
• clear, simple grammar theory.
• a wide variety of practice exercises.
• speaking tasks to encourage students to use the grammar productively in contextualised situations.
• regular reviews consolidating the grammar learnt in the preceding two units.
• writing tasks to allow students to use the grammar productively in contextualised situations.
• a list of irregular verbs.

Amazing English 2 Companion
Amazing English Companion
Amazing English Companion accompanies the Student’s Book. Lesson by lesson, it covers the vocabulary and grammar presented in the Student’s Book and makes an ideal study aid. Amazing English Companion contains:
• all new vocabulary appearing in the Student’s Book.
• useful and accurate English-Greek translation.
• topic-related example sentences.
• derivatives appropriate to the language level.
• notes on usage, synonyms and antonyms.
• English-Greek translation of the grammar theory in the Student’s Book.
• vocabulary and grammar tasks practising the main vocabulary and grammar content.
At the back of the Companion, there is an irregular verbs list and an alphabetical word list containing all the words and phrases in the Companion along with their entry numbers

Hot Shots 2 Companion
Hot Shots Companion consolidates the vocabulary and grammar taught in the Student's Book, and makes an ideal study aid
- all new vocabulary presented in the Student's Book
- useful and accurate English-Greek translation
- topic-related example sentences
- derivatives (where appropriate to the language level)
- thorough and concise coverage of grammar topics in Greek
- tasks which recycle vocabulary and grammar taught in each of the topic-related cycles in the Student's Book

English Download A2 Glossary & Grammar Reference in Greek
English Download A2 Glossary & Grammar Reference provides students with everything they need to understand the vocabulary and grammar in the Student's Book
In the vocabulary section of each unit, words and phrases are listed in order of appearance together with their parts of speech and the accurate Greek translation of the word or phrase as it is used in the context of the Student's Book.
In the grammar section of each unit, there are comprehensive grammar explenations in Greek with further topic-related example sentences in English

Grammar Genius B Student's Book
Grammar Genius features:
- grammar presented through loveable cartoon strips in simple, amusing contexts that motivate young learners
- grammar structures taught in short, learner-friendly steps
- detailed, clear and easy to follow reference sections
- a wide variety of carefully graded practice exercises
- writing and speaking tasks at the end of each unit
- special 'be a genius' boxes with helpful tips
- regular revision units
- a unit-by-unit wordlist at the back of the book
- Online platform with additional practice exercises

Grammar Genius B Test Booklet
Test Booklet
- a new test for each set of units of the Student's Book
- a thorough final test as an end-of-year check
- tasks carefully written to check all main grammar items taught in the respective Student's Book units
- all tasks bearing a ready-made score scheme for easy marking

Just Write 2 can be used alongside any course at A2 level to reinforce the learners' skills.
Key features of Just Write 2:
- a wide array of writing genres covering topics common at this level
- a step-by-step approach to writing, including a variety of vocabulary and grammar activities leading into a writing task
- JUST A MINUTE! writing tips offering useful advice on the writing task at hand

The Hamilton Skills Builder 2 Student’s Book
Key features of The Hamilton Skills Builder 2 Student’s Book:
• a variety of reading texts featuring the Amazing Kids characters with level-appropriate task types that ensure students learn to read for different purposes
• pre-listening and pre-writing tasks that introduce useful theme-based vocabulary
• a variety of listening and speaking tasks, including tasks that appear in the Cambridge English: Young Learners Pre A1 Starters and A1 Movers tests
• a step-by-step approach to writing, including model compositions, writing plans and guided writing tasks
• a JUST SAY IT! feature in each unit that focuses on one aspect of English pronunciation that students often have difficulty with
• DO IT RIGHT! features in reading, writing, listening and speaking sections that clarify the focus of the skill being practised, or give students useful tips on correct English usage

The Hamilton Skills Builder 2 Teacher’s Book is a complete step-by-step guide for teachers on how to make the best use of the material in the Student’s Book.
The Hamilton Skills Builder 2 Teacher’s Book contains:
• a unit plan box at the beginning of each unit summarising the contents of the unit.
• a lead-in section in every unit which provides an introduction to each unit.
• detailed instructions for all tasks.
• the keys to all tasks.
• detailed instructions for all DO IT RIGHT! features.
• extra comprehension questions for each of the reading texts.
• the recording script for all listening tasks. The words in the recording script which provide the correct answers to the listening tasks are underlined for easy reference and for teaching purposes.
• detailed instructions and the recording script for all JUST SAY IT! pronunciation features.

The Wilsons provides students with a carefully graded syllabus which gradually develops their grammar, vocabulary and language skills through the use of up-to-date, interesting texts that motivate and encourage students to improve their language level.
Key features of The Wilsons 2 Student’s Book
• an introduction that reviews key language items from The Wilsons 1, and introduces the Wonderful Wilsons, the main characters in the exciting ongoing story
• visually stunning module openers that engage students and present the theme and aims of each module
• useful vocabulary presented and practised in a variety of tasks, including Cambridge A2 Flyers task types
• theme-related modules that contain an engaging mix of real-world and fun, fictional content, as well as special lessons that actively develop students’ listening, speaking and writing skills
• module reviews to reinforce language presented through theme-related videos, a large range of tasks and songs
• beautifully illustrated lessons and story episodes that capture students’ imagination and motivate them to read in English, while reflecting the themes and reinforcing the language presented in the Student’s Book at the same time
• 21st Century Skills that connect learning to the real world

The Wilsons provides students with a carefully graded syllabus which gradually develops their grammar, vocabulary and language skills through the use of up-to-date, interesting texts that motivate and encourage students to improve their language level.
The Wilsons 2 Workbook
Ideal for homework practice, The Wilsons 2 Workbook consolidates the language presented in the Student’s Book through a range of varied, controlled activities. The Workbook reflects the Student’s Book in structure and content, which enables students to use it independently.
Key features of The Wilsons 2 Workbook
• an introductory Welcome module that reviews key language items from The Wilsons 1
• comprehensive coverage of all the key vocabulary and grammar points presented in each Student’s Book module, practising the vocabulary and grammar of the corresponding lessons in the Student’s Book
• further development of reading and writing skills in the last lesson of each module
• separate review lessons, providing further opportunities for revision, consolidation and evaluation of the vocabulary and grammar of the preceding module

The Wilsons 2 CLIL & Culture Booklet
The Wilsons CLIL & Culture Booklet exposes students to different aspects of language learning and gives them the opportunity to relate their learning experience to the real world. It contains a one page CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) lesson and a one-page Culture lesson for each of the six main modules in the Student’s Book.
The Wilsons 2 CLIL & Culture Booklet includes:
• a one-page CLIL lesson linked to the theme of each of the six main modules in the Student’s Book which focusses on another subject such as maths, geography or PE.
• a wide variety of fun, communicative tasks including a project for each CLIL lesson which provide an opportunity for students to be creative within the context of their language learning.
• a one-page Culture lesson for each of the six main modules in the Student’s Book which examines cultures, customs and traditions in different countries around the world.
• a Take it HOME! feature encourages students to share something from the Culture lesson with their families.