Fun with Fizz One Year Course Pupil's Book
Fun with Fizz One Year Course Pupil’s Book includes:
• 18 graded units each with 3 two-page lessons.
• clearly structured, easy to follow lessons organised to fit the teaching year.
• all the key grammar structures and essential vocabulary required at primary level, transparently presented and methodically practised.
• a range of fun and achievable activities developing all four skills.
• regular revision sections (every 3 units).
• memorable songs and chants.

Fun with Fizz One Year Course Activity Book
Fun with Fizz One Year Course Activity Book contains:
- fun activities that focus on the new language, including crosswords, word searches and picture-based tasks.
- page-for-page practice for every Pupil's Book lesson.
- a review after every three units.
- extra writing practice.

Fun with Fizz One Year Course Language Booster (Companion & Grammar combined)
Fun with Fizz One Year Course Language Booster includes:
- 18 units that tie in with each lesson of the Pupil's Book.
- all new words and phrases in order of presentation in the Pupil's book with Greek translation, labelled by page number for easy access.
- amusing grammar presentations for each lesson.
- clear grammar notes in Greek with examples in English.
- a wide variety of stimulating tasks to practise the grammar and vocabulary.

Fun with Fizz One Year Course Test Book
Fun with Fizz Test Book One Year Course
Fun with Fizz Test Book has been designed to consolidate and test the lexical and grammatical items pupils have learnt in Fun with Fizz Pupils Book in a friendly and encouraging way
Fun with Fizz One Year Course Test Book contains:
- 18 one-page unit tests to be used after each unit.
- 4 two-page tests for use after each review.

Fun with Fizz One Year Course Teacher's Book
The Fun with Fizz One Year Course Teacher's Book Contains:
- clearly laid out and easy-to-follow teaching notes for each unit in the Pupil's Book
- actual pages of the Pupil's Book embedded in full colour for ease of use
- specially highlighted aims and materlials needed for each lesson
- suggestions for homework setting and checking
- additional optional activities
- a fully-illustrated End-of-year play, complete with audio and stage directions
- 18 photocopiable Tests, one for each unit of the Pupil's Book
- 4 Photocopiable Term Tests, one for each teaching term
- complete Answer Keys to the Activity Book and Tests

Fun with Fizz One Year Course Class CDs
Class Audio CDs are designed to be used with the Pupil's Book and contain the main lesson presentations, songs and chants, as well as the audio for the Expressions to Learn!, the listening tasks, the writing text models and the End-of-Year play.

Fun with Fizz One Year Course Interactive Whiteboard Software
Fun with Fizz Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) Software engages pupil's attention effectively and brings lessons to life
Fun with Fizz IWB contains all of the Pupil's Book and the Activity Book in interactive format. All the Pupil's Book presentations and songs are fully animated and can also be played each frame at a time or even each speach bubble at a time. All the exercises in the Pupil's Book and Activity Book are interactive. The listening exercises are also playable from the IWB. The grammar is presented seperately with its own animation and reference.
The IWB also presents vocabulary, colours, numbers and catchy songs.
Also included are fun games and extra activities to end each lesson on a high note. These games and activities practise the vocabulary and grammar taught in the lesson and can be done in a fun way with the class working in teams. It also contains a ''look up'' wordlist feature. When pupils find the word they're looking for, they are then presented with a picture of that item as well as the audio pronunciation of the word.
The Flashcards from the course book are presented electronically with pronunciation and pictures to make understanding easy. The IWB also contains all the posters in an interactive digital format.